It took me a very long time to determine what Dr. Hopkins meant in answer to my casual probe about how he approved Sandy Archer (Mime Troupe co-founder) as a resident of the large cottage, as he had replied, "Miss Kim." And he went on to elaborate as completely as he could, by saying that "Miss Kim came from the Orient".
So, to make a long metaphysical story short, Dr. Hopkins selected Sandy Archer as a resident of the large cottage because of Miss Kim. (Because of the name "Archer." "Dr. Hopkins knew the Archers, who were ministers in the Universal Church of the Master... .")
Asking the simplest question of Dr. Hopkins was a challenge to me, as well. When I was interested in learning about the estate and the history of the large cottage, and by extension its residents (both past and future), I made a simple first query: "How was it Sandy rented the cottage?" He shook his head, he didn't know. I persisted, "Well, where did Sandy come from?" (meaning how did she end up renting the cottage) He didn't know. I had to formulate a different question to prompt what I hoped would be the correct answer, "How was it Sandy found her way here?" (to which he then replied "Miss Kim").