Saturday, August 31, 2013

And the wimmins knew, we really knew that although Sandy was an attractive woman and Peter an attractive man, the only reason he was really truly drawn to her was so he could get to the power behind the throne and in displacing Ronnie as the love of Sandy's life, he with her help could assume complete and total control of the Mime Troupe much more quickly.  And it was OBVIOUS! 

He loved her passionately, he says now, a love that was never requited. 

And he even kind of tried that with me once, and I was a nobody with that early Los Olivos thing.  Way back then!  I was talking about a musician I'd had a crush on when I saw a kid (Peter would give me an encouraging smile) and how I'd actually ended up dating him eventually (Peter drew closer to me pretending interest in my story, and Peter was an attractive guy then and I was beginning to succumb to his wiles), and but after a few outings with him, all I ended up liking about that guy was the color of his car (which was kind of turquoise) so I'd describe to Peter how I'd actually liked the color of the guy's car (and Peter drew closer to me) and I would break the spell: "So he has a cool little turquoise sportscar to fart around the freeways in ... just fart fart fart right down the autobahn und ausweys ... " and Peter would pull back and turn his attention to another.

I was a nobody back then with that early Los Olivos thing, as were we all.  But Sandy and I both spurned Peter's advances.

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