On March 2, 1960 he was by all advance reports lecturing on flying saucers at a speaking engagement in far away Desert Hot Springs, and described Unidentified Flying Objects as "serious business".
From the Desert Hot Springs Sentinal (you'll need to pay to read the article).
Desert Hot Springs Sentinel › 3 March 1960 › Page 2 - Newspapers ...
Desert Hot Springs Sentinel, Title: Desert Hot Springs Sentinel, State: ... on Unidentified Flying Objects as "serious business," Dr. John W. Hopkins, Ph.D., will ...(This engagement does not appear to be an Understanding event, or at least the event did not make the listings in the Understanding newsletters. Understandable, as this was a busy period for Dr. Hopkins as shown below from items gleaned from the Understanding newsletters of the time. In February, he as President of Williams College hosted none other than Orfeo Angelucci himself for a series of lectures and meetings.
In January and February alone, Dr. Hopkins had traveled far down the state of California to Orange, Inglewood, and Pasadena California, and then back up to Berkeley for Orfeo, then back down the state all the way to Needles, according to the Understanding newsletters.
Understanding Understanding Volume 5 Number 1
January 1960
Saturday, Jan. 30: Dr. John Hopkins, Ph.D. (Northern vice president of
Understanding) "Flying Saucers and What They Mean to You" 8 p.m.,
Darby Park Auditorium, 3400 Arbor Vitae, INGLEWOOD.
Sunday, Jan. 31: Dr. Hopkins, "Flying Saucers" 2 p.m., Science
of Mind Church, 1164 N. Lake Ave., PASADENA.
BERKELEY, Unit No. 17 entertained James Velesquez of Santa Ana, Calif.,
on Dec. 9 at Williams College. The speaker explained various passages from the
Bible. The Berkeley group meets for public lectures normally on the second
Wednesday of the month and for business meetings on the fourth Wednesday.
Understanding Volume 5 Number 2
February 1960
PASADENA, Unit No. 12, is now the largest unit in Understanding its total
membership having recently surpassed that of Oakland. Pasadena’s January
speaker was Dr. John Hopkins, speaking on "Exploration Research Into
Interplanetary Understanding."
NEEDLES, Unit No. 24, heard a talk
by Dr. John Hopkins Jan. 17. The subject was "Flying Saucers and What They
Mean to You."
BERKELEY, Unit No. 17: Orfeo Angelucci spoke on "Eternity-All as One
and One as All" on Jan. 13 at Williams College.
Understanding Volume 5 Number 3
March 1960
ORANGE, Unit No. 7 elected Dorothy Harper as new president of the club
for 1960. Selected to serve with her were Mrs. Wilma Hough, vice-president;
Mrs. Edith Dickerson, secretary; and Iver Blomgren, treasurer. The unit heard
two speakers during February, Dr. John Hopkins, Understanding northern
vice-president and president of Williams College, speaking on "Who Is a
Contactee?" and Dr. Joseph Larson of Pasadena.
BERKELEY, Unit No. 17 elected Guy Hudson as its new president recently.
Dr. John Hopkins was chosen vice-president.
(Understanding Newsletter information courtesy of Sean Donovan of DanielFry.com, who most currently pulled back the edition he had published and is currently rewriting portions of his ten-year research project, a biography of Daniel Fry called "Contactee". I hope he finishes soon as I would like to read his book.)