To give you an idea of all the stuff swirling about at Williams College, this monograph on Gordon pretty much describes it.
"Gordon, Contactee"
But THIS! The photo by George Adamski through his 6 inch telescope
That's why Dr. Hopkins selected the Adamski model as his nightly beacon, you see. AND he had ALL the other FAMOUS contactees come up to Williams College for symposia, and bigger events at the sister building, the Claremont Hotel.
And there's another coinkydink, as I told Dr. Hopkins when I first encountered him (1964) and then again when I moved in and was first introduced to him by name (1969) that I came from .... Claremont. But he didn't so much as bat an eyelash.
Heidi, who moved in to Sandy Archer's old place, she was okay because she came from the San Diego region (where Adamski first was contacted), and she could talk about going to the Elfin Forest (where the Units of Understanding would occasionally meet for great conferences in the San Diego region) even though she went there on hikes as a kid. It didn't matter. So it was ok for HER to take over Sandy Archer's residence. It's all very very simple if you get an understanding of Dr. John W. Hopkins.
The Berkeley Unit of Understanding was still in operation so I went to those meetings (as did all of the renters on the estate) and so we were part of the unit and also some of us were described by Dr. Hopkins to the city fathers as "students" of Williams College (to get around rental matters ... especially after the complaints from Margaret Bontham, high up if not actually President of Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco and leader if not President of the San Antonio Road Homeowners Association. She was the one excited about the feathers. Dr. Hippocrates actually took classes from Dr. Hopkins, and once wrote a prescription for painkillers for him when he was sick and because Dr. Hip was Dr. Timothy Leary's personal physician, I understand Gene was soon questioned by authorities about this particular script.